
Less Work More Gains

I train approx 5 hours per week. I’m a fitness trainer and do this for work. This does not make me an athlete no matter how much CrossFit want to call me one. Reading about a Crossfit games champion Jason Grubb, 48 I was shocked to learn just how much time he devotes to his […]

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Fitness Past Forty: What Should I Track?

Over Forty And Confused About Tracking Your Fitness?Past the age of forty maintaining our health becomes perhaps even more important than the six pack abs we coveted in our youth. For guys over forty, this often means paying closer attention to certain health metrics that can offer a snapshot of our overall well-being. An online […]

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Muscle Building After 50: Obstacles & SolutionsAs we age, building muscle becomes increasingly challenging, but it’s far from impossible. For men hitting the 50-year mark, the journey to gaining muscle mass involves navigating through a unique set of obstacles. Understanding these challenges is the first step toward developing effective strategies to overcome them. Here are […]

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Fifty and Fit: Smart CrossFit Training Tips for Over-50 Athletes

Fit At 50!: Essential Training Considerations for the 50-Year-Old AthleteCrossFit, a fitness regimen known for its intensity and diversity, has attracted enthusiasts of all ages. However, as we cross the 50-year threshold, our approach to this challenging sport needs a strategic shift. For the masters – a term endearingly used for CrossFit athletes over 50 […]

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Abdominal Bracing: Why It’s Crucial For Men Over Forty

The Power of Abdominal Bracing: Protecting Your Spine in the Gym and BeyondWhen we think about fitness, a well-defined set of abs often steals the spotlight. But the benefits of strong abdominal muscles extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. One crucial, yet often overlooked aspect of abdominal strength is the role of ‘abdominal bracing’ – […]

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Are You Chasing Wellness or Outrunning Self-Loathing? A Deep Dive into Fitness Motivations

Fitness is often hailed as a universal remedy, a one-size-fits-all solution to a myriad of life’s challenges. But if fitness is indeed the answer, what exactly is the question we’re asking? This blog post delves into a fundamental aspect of our fitness journey: our motivation for hitting the gym. Are we sprinting towards a brighter, […]

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Free Information – Is It Worth It?

President Woodrow Wilson once commented about the time necessary for him to prepare for a speaking engagement.“It depends. If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.” – Woodrow WilsonYesterday whilst doom scrolling […]

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Building Strength As A CrossFit Master

Welcome, CrossFit Masters, to a journey of strength and resilience! As experienced athletes, you understand the unique challenges and goals that come with age. In this blog post, we will delve into the principles, strategies, and movements that will help you build strength and reach new heights in your CrossFit journey. Whether you’re a seasoned […]

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5 Pitfalls CrossFit Masters Need To Avoid

CrossFit is a dynamic and demanding fitness regimen that attracts individuals of all ages and fitness levels. As we progress through life, our bodies undergo changes, and training in our 40s, 50s, and beyond comes with its own set of considerations. In this blog post, we’ll explore how training as a CrossFit master differs from […]

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Smart Crossfit Masters Identify Their Weaknesses And Eliminate Them

As a CrossFit master, you know that the pursuit of excellence is an ongoing journey. One key aspect that sets apart exceptional athletes is their unwavering dedication to improving their weaknesses. In this blog post, we will explore the value of working on your weaknesses as a CrossFit athlete and how it can significantly enhance […]

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