
Category Archives for Blog

The Desire Path

Have you ever heard of a desire path? A desire path is usually a pathway worn down by human or animal traffic contrary to the walkway planned by the designer. Often it represents the quickest most efficient pathway through a particular environment. The architect meant well and the problems with the design only come to […]

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Russian Roulette

The Secret Perils of Police Postings Russian Roulette: Police Posting Procedures Are you playing Russian roulette with your health and fitness? If you’re not then possibly you should be‼️ Lemme me explain why. Picture the scene. It’s 5:45am tired and groggy you’re about to enter a room and participate in a deadly game of Russian […]

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Apple vs Donut

Donut or Apple? Yes, yes I know you all said apple is sooo much better for you…. But why do you always eat the donut? Listening to the average personal trainer talk about their food is an eye opener. For example there’s meal #1 with 100g of oats, 1 scoop of protein powder and 400ml […]

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Sea Change

Best Bootcamp Tunbridge Wells Sea Change nouna profound or notable transformation. Coming out of lockdown is a bit of an anti climax.Apart from a few occasions where there have been large celebrations it has on the whole been quite a civilised return to … erm well civilisation Maybe it’s just me but when a global pandemic […]

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Occam’s Razor

Occam’s RazorI wrote a post earlier during the week about how much things have changed since I first started working out. Link here>>>I mean have you really worked out unless you’ve used every damn machine in the gym and put a running commentary on instagram for the tribe?We seem to run out of elastic bands before […]

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Less is More

Hey, Something has been bugging me lately and it’s this trend of having to do more, be more have more. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying I think being lazy is a worthy badge of honour to strive for but what about working smarter. I’m interested in finding the minimum amount of work that I […]

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How To Protect Your Wrists Whilst Pressing

Training at home is sometimes seen as being inferior to training in a gym or purpose built emporium. After all they charge the big bucks so they must be effective right? Not so fast. If you know what you’re doing and with a little bit of equipment you can achieve fantastic results. Working at home […]

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Why The Biggest Losers Can’t Keep The Weight Off

A recent article in an American Newspaper blamed a broken metabolism for the stars of The Biggest Loser not being able to hold on to their slender physiques. Can you mess about with your diet so much that you actually damage your metabolism? Well I’m afraid that this is one of those yes and no cop […]

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Squats: How they may save your life one day.

Think bodyweight exercises done at home are the poor relation of gym workouts? Then think again. Why should you squat? Squatting is one of the most important movements that we perform as humans and maintaining the strength and mobility necessary to complete this movement will assist in later life. You may think I’m being a little […]

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Over Forty? How and Why Your Fitness Regime Should Change

I read an interesting book over the weekend Olympic Weightlifting for Masters by Matt Foreman. Now I realise that not everyone reading this will be as enthralled by weightlifting as I am, however there were some good takeaway lessons that can be applied to fitness in your forties. There is something deeply satisfying when you […]

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