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  • Abdominal Bracing: Why It’s Crucial For Men Over Forty

Stephen Devine


The Power of Abdominal Bracing: Protecting Your Spine in the Gym and Beyond

When we think about fitness, a well-defined set of abs often steals the spotlight. But the benefits of strong abdominal muscles extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. One crucial, yet often overlooked aspect of abdominal strength is the role of 'abdominal bracing' – a key practice for spine health and injury prevention, both in the gym and in everyday life.

What is Abdominal Bracing?

Abdominal bracing is a technique that involves actively engaging and tightening your abdominal muscles to create a natural "corset" around your midsection. This action stabilises your spine, providing a solid foundation for both athletic movements and daily activities.

Why is Abdominal Bracing Important?

Spine Support and Injury Prevention: Our spine is the pillar of our body, supporting not just our structure but also facilitating movement. Without proper support, the spine is vulnerable during physical activities. Abdominal bracing acts like a shield, protecting the spine by distributing stress evenly and reducing the risk of strains or herniated discs.

Enhanced Performance in the Gym: Whether you're lifting weights, doing cardio, or engaging in functional training, abdominal bracing ensures a safer and more effective workout. It helps in maintaining good posture and form, which is crucial for maximising the efficiency of your exercises and preventing gym-related injuries.

Improved Posture and Reduced Lower Back Pain: Regularly practicing abdominal bracing can lead to improved posture over time. This not only makes you look taller and more confident but also reduces the chronic lower back pain often associated with a weak core Daily Life Applications: The benefits of abdominal bracing aren't confined to the gym. Whether you're lifting groceries, playing with your kids, or even sitting at your desk, engaging your core can help prevent undue strain on your back.

How to Practice Abdominal Bracing

  • Start by Standing or Sitting Upright: Maintain a neutral spine position without arching or rounding your back excessively.
  • Engage Your Core Muscles: Imagine you're about to be punched in the stomach. Tighten your abs as if to brace for the impact. You should feel tension in your entire core, not just the front abdominal muscles.
  • Incorporate into Everyday Activities: Once you get the hang of it, practice abdominal bracing during various activities – while exercising, lifting objects, or even while driving.
  • Breathe Normally: It's important to continue breathing normally while you brace. Avoid holding your breath.


Abdominal bracing is a simple yet powerful tool in your fitness arsenal. It's not just about looking good; it's about building a foundation of strength that supports your spine, enhances your performance, and reduces the risk of injury.

Written by Stephen Devine

Steve not just a skilled Crossfit Coach, but a top-tier CrossFit Competitor who's ranked in the top 1% worldwide in the 2023 Crossfit Open! And this is despite spending six weeks on crutches following surgery to fix a broken ankle just a year ago. He's Qualified as a Crossfit L1 Coach, Crossfit Gymnastics, and is also a qualified Olympic Weightlifting Coach.

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